Automata Workshop

The completed animatronic piece can be seen here.
I used to use ram in dowel for the axles but now I have moved to turning my own axles from beech. This is a harder wearing wood and looks better.
I cut squares off the block and turn them down by hand, measuring with callipers to get the right diameter.
automata rollers
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I then either leave them plain, or for a better finish I make a brass ferrule that I fit on the end of the shaft. The axle is held in a collet chuck to turn the ferrule fitting.
automata cam rollers
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A nice transformation.
automaton cutting circles
Showing the axle fitted into the frame. The brass sockets at each end hold the ferrules. This make a neat way of taking the axle out for adjustments. The dockets are retreated into the frame and the axle is then free to slide out.
automaton band sanding